Featured Artists
Collectors, Curators, Architects, Designers, and Gallerists -
I welcome an opportunity to work with you.
The artists featured herein have developed careers worthy of note - for a variety of reasons and on multiple levels.
Under Friesen Gallery, I have represented these artists for many years, and they are largely the reason for my efforts
with this new platform, FriesenSolo.
Acquisitions, Site-Specific Commissions, Gallery Representations, Institutional and Museum Exhibitions -
I am at the ready to continue my support of these talented artists.
Click on any image below.
The artist’s profile and available works will present.
I have also included a link to their websites for your ease in further consideration.
Please reach out to me for any reason.
Mia Brownell
Fei Disbrow
Steve Jensen
Dana Lynn Louis
Lloyd Martin
Susan Russell Hall
+ Terry Rishel
Anna Skibska
Barbara Vaughn
Christopher Adam Williams